The mission of the Marble Falls Inclusive Play Group is to work collaboratively with the city of Marble Falls to design and build an inclusive playground for our community to enjoy.
Our vision is that these efforts would help create a more inclusive community, a community designed and constructed for EVERY body.
Leathers and Associates has created this beautiful conceptual design of an all abilities playground for our community!
Click here to complete a sponsorship form.
Please make checks payable to MFIPG (Marble Falls Inclusive Play Group) or send your Venmo to @MFIPG. Cash or checks can be dropped off at First United Bank in Marble Falls.
We thank you for your generosity and continued support of bringing play to ALL children in our community!
The Marble Falls Inclusive Play Group, Inc. is a Texas non-profit corporation with 501(c)3 status, created for the purpose of performing charitable and educational activities. Specifically, we were created for the purpose of bringing an inclusive, all-abilities playground to the Highland Lakes and Hill Country communities to provide an opportunity for all of our children to play and learn together. The Marble Falls Inclusive Play Group, Inc. was created in May 2022, submitted its application for 501(c)(3) status in June 2022, and received its 501(c)3 status in November 2022. We pledge to use all contributions obtained exclusively toward our purpose.