Our Why

The Marble Falls Inclusive Play Group believes in the importance of play. It is vital to being human. It’s how we learn and grow. Play strengthens our bodies and minds. It teaches us how to communicate and solve problems. Play builds self-esteem, confidence, and helps foster empathy. 

The playgrounds in our community aren’t designed with kids and families that are experiencing disability in mind. Because of this, these vital members of our community are left on the sidelines. These playgrounds limit who can participate and in turn don’t allow everyone to have the opportunity to play together. This group is on a mission to change that. 

Inspired by our own life stories and circumstances, we are dedicated to bringing inclusive play to Marble Falls.

Bringing an inclusive playground to Marble Falls would give our family the opportunity to laugh and play alongside one another, without leaving anyone out. When you realize how precious life is, you realize how precious these moments together as a family are.
— Ashley Crouse, Parent

Our Team

The Marble Falls Inclusive Play Group is a Texas non-profit consisting of parents and passionate community members all focused on one goal - bringing inclusive play to Marble Falls.

Board of Directors: John Packer - President, Ashley Crouse - Vice President, Taylor Smith - Treasurer, Beverly Dean - Secretary, Maegen Fox Kuykendall - General Counsel, Amanda Lefieste, Leigh Wessels, Susan Schultz, and Aimee Evans